Friday, May 20, 2011

FIFA express reason for GT & AP Do I Participate

VIVAnews - It has been more than a half hour session of Congress PSSI the second run. However, there continues to be delayed due to participants who continued to demand an explanation why George Toisutta (GT) and Arifin Panigoro (AP) can not join the process for nominating Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Normalization Committee Chair then asked Thierry Regenass, Director of Membership and Development Association of FIFA, to give an explanation.

PSSI Regenass in Congress at the Hotel Sultan calmly and then explain the reasons why FIFA decided that the four names --- Toisutta, Panigoro, Nurdin Halid, and Nirwan Bakrie - could not join the stock through the FIFA decision which was announced 4 April 2011.

"The reason of our decision it is because basically each Federation should control all the members and activities in it. From the principle above, then the LPI events that are beyond the PSSI not be tolerated. It's sort of a taboo thing for Fifa," said Regenass.

"Because basically the league (LPI) outside the control of PSSI, the promoters or anyone unable to participate as a candidate. In principle, these four people felt had a role in ongoing disputes about PSSI today. While we would like a new person."

Regenass later said that the number of candidates for Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and EXCO is very positive. He was convinced of the many candidates there who deserve to lead the PSSI.

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