Friday, May 20, 2011

Keep the name of Indonesia in the eyes of FIFA and AFC

VIVAnews - One candidate for Chairman of PSSI, Sutiyoso, deplore chaos in Congress PSSI. In fact, according to Sutiyoso, this Congress delegates attended the World Football Federation (FIFA) and Asian Football Confederation (AFC).
Situation PSSI Congress at the Hotel Sultan, Jakarta, which started around 14:30 pm after the heat suddenly opened by the Minister of Youth and Sports, Andi Mallarangeng. Many participants do interruptions. On average, those from the Group of 78 questioned the reasons for the refusal of FIFA to George Toisutta and Arifin Panigoro to run for chairman PSSI.
Chairman of the Normalization Committee, Agum Gumelar was forced to make suspension of Congress, as well as for rest, prayer, and dinner. When out of the room of Congress, Agum not want to say much.
"Later aja deh, yes.'ll Aja deh," Agum said when asked by reporters about the possibility Congress will deadlock.
In fact, delegates of FIFA, Thierry Regenass forced to make a statement. But, the participants are still not satisfied on the testimony of the director of Membership and Development Association this FIFA. They continue to be forced to vote the agenda to be discussed in the previous Congress had compiled Normalization Committee.
"Let's keep the good name of Indonesia in the eyes of representatives of FIFA. Let us not besmirch the name of Indonesia in front of FIFA and the AFC," said Sutiyoso, who was present at the Hotel Sultan. "Let the Congress run by existing mechanisms. Do not be many who insist, to shout."
Meanwhile, General Secretary Persisam Samarinda, Jonah Nusi who is also a member of Group of 78 called the camp remains solid to pass a vote. They keep asking for Election Appeals Committee explaining the reasons George Toisutta passed and Arifin Panigoro forward in nomination. Although these two names have been banned by Fifa and not verified by the Normalization Committee.
"PSSI received a letter of appeal GT-AP, although not verified from the start. Even if the voting, we believe the Group of 78 votes remain solid," said Yunus.
Group 78 makes Bussines Center Hotel Sultan as the headquarters to collect their members. There is also seen GT-AP lawyer when filing a claim to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). So far, the GT-AP has yet to show his nose at Congress. (Art)• VIVAnews

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