Saturday, May 14, 2011

PSSI chaotic Arif Faith No lowering of Intent

VIVAnews - The threat of sanctions did not deter Faith FIFA Arif in the nomination of Chairman of the PSSI period 2011-2015.
Indonesia Football FIFA threatened sanctions following the decision of Election Appeals Committee (KBP), which continue to receive appeals George Toisutta and Arifin Panigoro. Though both have decided FIFA can not participate in the nomination.
Chairman of the Committee of Normalization (KN), Agum Gumelar, then decided to ignore the KBP decision that receives the appeal George and Arifin. This is done Agum to avoid FIFA sanctions.
Indonesia to assess faith FIFA sanctioned if there are groups who try to thwart the decision of KN and Congress.
Even so chaotic in the national football this does not deter the man who appointed Deputy of Technical Board of the National Team (BTN) is in the nomination of Chairman of the PSSI.
"This condition would be encouraged to promote greater national football again. Challenges ahead harder. It takes a short time and do not need young blood to run all the necessary changes in the national football human," said Faith in VIVAnews, Saturday, May 14, 2011.
Faith hope the owners can vote wisely in elections in Congress, scheduled to be held in Hotel Sultan, 20 May.
"The important thing voters can see the quality results that have been done, and will be the candidates and assess what's best for the national football," said Faith.
Director of the Indonesian Football Academy (IFA) and the Soccer School Indonesia (SSI), Arsenal is nominated as Chairman of the PSSI by the Second Division club Bedagai PS Serdang. As for the position of Vice Chairman, Iman one of them nominated by Persija Jakarta.

Source : VIVAnews

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